Joint venture in China: DEUTZ and SANY lay the foundation st

time:2019-09-28 15:04 edit:admin Share to:


China is the world's largest single market for construction machinery. The area of ​​application is correspondingly large in order to make a significant contribution to environmental and climate protection with clean engine technology. Chinese legislation is already making rapid progress in terms of emissions regulation. However, what is often still missing are highly developed drives that can meet the new standards.

With China IV, the nitrogen oxide and particle mass limit values ​​are again significantly reduced compared to China III. In addition, a new limit value for the number of particles is introduced, which requires the technological use of a diesel particle filter - similar to the EU Stage V legislation. In addition, in the heavy-duty on-road area, the new China VI (which largely corresponds to the EU level Euro VI) will first be introduced for urban commercial vehicles and later nationwide.

What at first glance sounds like official figures is an enormous challenge for Chinese vehicle and engine manufacturers. In particular, as the Chinese requirements quickly catch up with European standards. Conversely, this also offers attractive opportunities for experienced manufacturers to gain volume as a technology partner in China and at the same time to promote clean and sustainable mobility on site that relieves the climate and the environment.

China's largest construction machine manufacturer SANY, for example, relies on engine know-how from Cologne. As part of a joint venture in which DEUTZ holds 51 percent, a new production site is currently being built in Changsha, which is to supply around 75,000 engines for SANY by 2022. For comparison: DEUTZ currently delivers a total of around 10,000 engines to China. There is still further growth potential in terms of quantities. Dr. Frank Hiller, CEO of DEUTZ AG, explains: “We assume that demand in China will continue to increase. We can also serve other customers locally from our joint venture. The Chinese government is consistently pushing ahead with the further development of diesel engines as well as alternative drive concepts such as electrification, sustainable fuels and hydrogen drives.

Such a wide range of technologies is extremely popular in the emerging Middle Kingdom and opens many doors. The joint venture between DEUTZ and SANY is part of SANY's intelligent heavy truck project, a major project as part of SANY's digitization strategy. That means, in addition to various non-road applications, DEUTZ takes over engine production in the heavy truck sector for SANY.

“China is committed to sustainable mobility - and companies like SANY rely on experienced partners like DEUTZ. We provide the best possible support on this path with highly developed drives in terms of local as well as global sustainability. A real win-win situation for us, since growth and a positive impact on the environment and climate can be ideally combined here, ”says Dr. Frank Hiller.

Liang Wengen, CEO of the SANY Group


SANY reles on engine Motoren-Know-how cologne


Contracr signed between  SANY and DEUTZ with representatives of the Changsha government


Dr. Frank Hiller, CEO of DEUTZ AG


The contract was signed when the foundation stone was laid at the production site


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